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If you're like thousands of other parents disenchanted by Common Sense Media 👎
and their selling out to every liberal cause in America of late. We've got your back.

Are you ready to dive into a sea of stories, where each page turned is a battle for the purity of our children's dreams? Our Screen-A-Thon isn't just about reading—it's a mission to shape young minds! 🌟 Every book you screen is a strike against the shadows of naughty lurking in children's tales, earning you magical rewards. 🎁

Protect innocence, discover hidden gems, and together let's raise a generation that understands the value of 'the right book at the right time'. #ScreenItFirst #LiteraryHeroes #ChildrensBooks

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Let Kids Be Kids

Recent events have drawn attention to inappropriate content in many children's books. Children deserve to experience the magic of reading without problematic material. Our community screens books and provides objective snapshots of content, so parents can make informed choices.

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See examples below...

YA Fiction

Below are some recent screens of your average everyday "young adult" fiction, complete with sexual content, LGBTQ references, witchcraft, drugs, and foul language - it's as if they used the 10 commandments as a checklist!

Hidden Agenda

Most folks don't catch the references in these books and reviews on Amazon, Good Reads, and Common Sense weren't much help.

Explicit Content

Some books make it obvious by the title, others not-so-much. These are some of the more egregious examples of questionable content in children's books -- the ones you hear about on the news.

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We do not encourage book banning nor censoring, but instead aim to help the adults in a child’s life make informed decisions about which content is appropriate for their child. This is why we have chosen not to include subjective analysis on books – our community simply identifies potentially offensive content and leaves it to you to decide whether or not it is age-appropriate for your child.

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